Hubbell | HAWKE사 sealing washer가 black 색상으로 변경됩니다.
페이지 정보
작성자 관리자 작성일19-12-02 09:07 조회30,658회 댓글0건관련링크
Red fibre sealing washer 는 현재 생산이 중단되었으며, 재고가 소진될 때까지만 판매됩니다.
또한, 기존의 grey nylon sealing washer도 마찬가지로 단종될 예정입니다.
이에 대체하여 Black Nylon Sealing Washer만 생산 판매될 예정입니다.
새로운 Washer는 사용할 수 있는 온도범위가 더 넓고, IP등급도 66,67,68, 69까지 지원됩니다.
아래는 HAWKE사의 공지내용입니다.
Historically, Hawke International have always offered both fibre and nylon washer options to maintain equipment ingress protection (IP). We have supplied both options for over 40 years with minimum failures. However, please note that our new gland range is only available with black nylon washers.
The new black nylon washer has significant benefits over our discontinued range of red fibre and grey nylon washers, including a higher temperature resistance and IP (IP66, 67, 68 (30 meters for 7 days) and 69). The black nylon washer was used during the testing and certification phase of our new gland range, and we can ensure that the material selected will withstand Harsh and Hazardous environments where our products are used.
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